Full titles read: “And now for the one & only Teddy Brown - (There’s quite a lot of him!)“. (new title) “Millions of Radio listeners have heard “Teddy“ on his Xylophone, but here he is to be seen and heard, in “The Dance of the Raindrops“.“
London, probably Pathe Studio.
C/U of Teddy Brown’s feet and legs from behind; tilt up to show the vast expanse of his trousers and jacket and the back of his head as he stands playing the xylophone - quite a large man! He turns to face us. M/S of Teddy playing ’The Dance of the Raindrops’ as a man in the background accompanies him on the piano (this is a brilliant number).
C/U of Teddy as he asks us all to join in with his next number, and sing or whistle the second chorus of ’Amy’. He takes a saxophone from the piano and plays the tune, accompanied by the pianist, then plays the song on the xylophone and whistles - this is where we join in! He ends the tune with a flo
9 months ago 00:04:21 4
Выдающийся ксилофонист Тедди Браун (1930)
3 years ago 00:00:40 1
В Германии (музыкальный инструмент) большой ксилофон, маримба, кузнечик
6 years ago 00:02:22 13
Тедди Браун, великий ксилофонист 1936
9 years ago 00:00:31 8
Большой деревянный Ксилофон
9 years ago 00:01:57 12
Teddy Brown, xylophone medley, 1931 footage.
11 years ago 00:02:29 15
Сергей Никитин и Артур Жернаков (ксилофон) - “Большой секрет для маленькой компании“