Проблема FizzBuzz - это классическая задача, которая часто встречается на собеседованиях для программистов. Обычно она формулируется так:
Создайте программу, которая выводит числа от 1 до n.
- Если число делится на 3, выведите ’Fizz’;
- если число делится на 5, выведите ’Buzz’;
- если число делится и на 3 и на 5, выведите ’FizzBuzz’.
0:00 - Bash
0:10 - Go
0:23 - Rust
0:37 - Swift
0:48 - Prolog
0:59 - Assembly
1:45 - Haskell
1:56 - Fortran
2:08 - R
2:17 - Cobol
2:47 - Pascal
2:58 - Perl
3:07 - Ruby
3:17 - JavaScript
3:29 - VisualBasic
3:42 - C#
3:56 - PHP
4:08 - Kotlin
4:20 - Python 3
4:31 - Java
4:47 - C
5:00 - C
Fizzbuzz is based on the Game of Counting where a number is decided to count up among two or more individuals where any number that is a multiple of 3, including 3 itself must be replaced with Fizz, a number that is a multiple of 5, including 5 itself must be replaced with Buzz and a number that is a multiple of 3 and 5 both must be replaced with the term “FizzBuzz” with the rest of the numbers being spoken naturally.
The fizzbuzz Problem is one of the most famous interview problems to check if the interviewee has sound knowledge of programming logic and problem-solving abilities irrespective of the programming language it is being implemented in. The reason it is taught to novices is to help them with the basics of logic building.
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