Fallout New Vegas: 60 second guide to Goodsprings Glitch

Warning: To get the most out of this glitch, you should already have all DLC unlocked, and downloaded so you can get the ’skilled’ trait and have a max level cap of 50. NOTE 1: Do not take the following perks during your initial level up process: Comprehension, Confirmed Bachelor, Educated, Entomologist, Friend of the Night, Heave Ho, Hunter, Intense Training, Rad Child, Rapid Reload, Run n Gun, Travel Light. NOTE 2: Save before leaving Chet’s Shop after you reach the level you want to, the process of leveling will take anywhere from 3-4 hours to reach 50, if you want to take a break, it is fine, just don’t leave goodsprings till you have reached the level you want. NOTE 3: When you level up for the second time by rebuilding your character at the boundary of goodsprings, you will receive about 93% of the total XP you accumulated, putting you at 47 if you leveled to 50. Now feel free to take any perk, keeping in mind the ones you chose the first time, other than level 2 and
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