~【やすりくん】『蜜月アン・ドゥ・トロワ』踊ってみた。【誕生日】 - Niconico Video sm38785579
I couldn’t become Yasuhara-san, and I’m 23 years old again this year (・ ∀ ・)
It’s my 8th 23rd birthday (laughs)
Ballet-like dances are becoming an annual event for birthday videos (* ´ω ` *)
I will continue to devote myself to making the video more convincing next year!
For the time being, I want to return to the body when I was a teenager with 180 ° sideways open legs and back muscles.
Ah, only those who like the video are fine, so I’d be happy if you could send me a birthday present from the dried potato list in the link tree ←
I’m glad I don’t have that kind of financial resources ... If you like Myris and comments, please give me a set of all the recommendations for my friends (laughs)
No, I’m glad I didn’t mind any one of them.
Yuri Yasuhara
↓ Summary of various links ↓
I tried to dance mylist / 36501090
I played it mylist / 42573966
I tried to sing mylist / 36501012
05/27/2021 18:00