GODEMPERORDOOM This Machine Makes Nightmare Fuel - full album stream
Dank Reynoldz: MPC Live, SP404sx, Circuit Rhythm, JDDX2R
Brock Samsonite: MPC One, SP202, StantonSTX, Kaoss Pad
we dont even write songs anymore, we just create long form excursions into the textures and soundscapes intended for psychedelic trances to be induced as we record this album in real time.
#atmospheric #mpclive #portablism #noiseart #glitchhop #soundscape #boombap #drumandbass #breaks #livemusic #minimalist #textures #sp404sx #mpcone #stantonstx #circuitrhythm #turntablism #noise #fullalbum #GODEMPERORDOOM #instrumentalmusic
00:00 The Sound of an Anarchist Clapping One Handed (intro)
00:42 This Machine Makes Nightmare Fuel
05:40 Rabum Alal in: The Flight of the Black Priests
11:11 The Inescapable Weight of Gravity
14:59 Avengers Level Threats are so Passe
18:05 Worldender vs King Trashmouth
21:21 What Was Seen Beyond the Bridge (interlude)
22:45 Selected Vignettes from the Cosmic Gag Reel
30:00 Everything Breaks Down (inte
1 year ago 00:40:59 19
GODEMPERORDOOM This Machine Makes Nightmare Fuel - full album stream