Lapalice Castle, Poland Abandoned Place #18

Łapalice Castle, Poland. Abandoned Place #18 like, comment, share and subscribe Imposing and ornate, Łapalice Castle resembles many of Eastern Europe’s legendary spooky castles. Only Łapalice Castle was built in 1979—and it’s not even technically a castle. The grand building was originally built as a studio for artist Piotr Kazimierczak, which for some reason needed a swimming pool, ballroom, ramparts, and a dozen towers. Unfortunately, Kazimierczak had to abandon his project before it was ever completed, thanks to the double threat of not having enough money and not having necessary permits for the land. Now, the “castle“ is merely a shell of what could have been, with graffiti adorning the crumbling walls. This imposing 20th-century castle was abandoned before it was ever completed. But it wasn’t long before progress hit a snag. Not only did Kazimierczak run out of funds, he also extended construction for the enormous castle onto land he didn’t have a permit for. He was forced to abandon his dreams of com
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