PERSIB Pencak Silat Tanding Olahraga New Rules Demo - Peraturan Baru
1st meeting with Wasit Jury (referees), National Coach, National Pencak Silat Atheletes and Grandmasters and Gurus from different styles in Brunei, Pencak Silat, 22nd September 2020.
Reviewing the new PERSILAT Tournament rules.
Vest grabs, clinches, stand up grappling, and joint assisted takedowns like Wristlocks, shoulder and elbow locks are now allowed in the new 2020 rules Pencak Silat Tanding (Olahraga), to name afew.
Currently it is allowed (22nd September 2020) , but it may change in the future depending on further dicussions.
NOTE : All techniques can be blocked and countered. The key is to execute the technique when your opponent least expect it with the right strategy.
Points to Remember : Use technique and strategy, not muscle your technique. Break your opponent’s before the throw; NOT break his joints before the throw/takedown.
Do NOT be malicious towards your opponent. Its only sports, not a life and death situation. So you do not need to seriously injure or cause permanent damage. A trai
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