1 HOUR⏳⏰LoOp🔄 Ear Training TONES in Chinese /ALL combinations)/Locate different parts directly ⬇

1 HOUR⏳ /1 ЧАС ⏰/Una HORA 🔄LoOp🔄: Ear Training TONES in Chinese (ALL disyllabic combinations)/ Тренировка слуха по китайским тонам (ВСЕ возможные двусложные сочетания)/ Entrenamiento de oído TONOS en chino (TODAS las combinaciones bisilábicas) Practice makes perfect!!!! To quickly locate each part: - Part 1: 1st tone 1st/2nd/3rd/4th tones 00:00:40 - Part 2: 2nd tone 1st/2nd/3rd/4th tones 00:13:03 - Part 3: 3rd tone 1st/2nd/3rd/4th tones 00:25:25 - Part 4: 4th tone 1st/2nd/3rd/4th tones 00:37:34 - Part 5: 1st/2nd/3rd/4th tones Neutral tone 00:49:55
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