Elemental Gearbolt (US) All Chalices & All Fairies

Here is a video showing how to get all the secret chalices and fairies, how to score highly on the US version Elemental Gearbolt, Alfa System’s PS1 RPG style light-gun game. Elemental Gearbolt was released in 1997 in Japan, but when Working Designs took the game and released it in US/Canada (but not Europe). They not only translated the game, but they ramped up the difficulty by a great amount, most likely because they held a competition where the top scorer won $10,000. WD apparently held competitions at events using this game too. The game has had an interest because of an “assassin’s case“... that was also given out as prizes, which has recently become desirable. There is a big storyline to the game compared to other light-gun games, with the game directed by Rintaro and features cutscenes made by MadHouse. The US version thankfully supports the Guncon, which I used for this video. There are 3 weapons you can switch from, a strong fire shot, called Blaze Phoenix, a wide lighting shot, called Thunder Tiger,
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