Forbidden Archeology: Did Extraterrestrials Genetically Create Humans over 100s of Millions of Yrs?
Forbidden Archeology & Human Devolution: Michael Cremo is the author of two best-selling books that challenge the conventional Darwinian theory of human evolution and instead present facts supporting a radical new theory of evolution that is consistent with claims of extraterrestrial intervention in different historical epochs. In Forbidden Archeology, he found extensive evidence that humans first appeared on Earth hundreds of millions of years ago. He believes that Sumerian cuneiform records of Anunnaki genetic experiments to create humans are merely one in a series of historical instances where intervention from extraterrestrials or higher dimensional realms has occurred.
In his follow-up book, Human Devolution, he asserts that the Vedas contain a vast repository of knowledge that informs us about the forgotten history and the true origins of humanity. Cremo asserts that “we did not evolve up from matter; instead we devolved, or came down, from the realm of pure consciousness, spirit.“ He maintains that this human devolution happened during a Golden Age or ‘Satya Yuga’ when human consciousness was more receptive to such higher spirit realm interventions. In his first Exopolitics Today interview, Cremo addresses questions on legends of gods creating humans and sharing ancient space technologies that are linked to extraterrestrial visitation over hundreds of millions of years.
Michael Cremo’s website is:
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