S3 SPOILERS! Surface Pressure (Mei and Red Son MV)

Say what you want, but I love these two! Not to mention this is one of my favorite songs from Encanto, so I just wanted to do something with it. Technically this is the first video I’ve ever posted this year, but techinically not since there were two other videos that I posted but then deleted. One was over copywrite issues and the other had content I wasn’t happy with the moment I posted it (I would rather make you laugh then feel uncomfortable, so I intend to just be more cautious about what I upload. Hopefully it won’t happen again). As for season 3, I am planning a few video ideas for the future, but as you can see, the quality in my videos may be weird due to no English releases yet. Once I get better footage, hopefully I can make another good few videos. Monkie Kid is owned by Lego, please support their content on Amazon Kids or Amazon Prime!
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