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Elizabaeth Adetiba, “Caster Semenya and the Cruel History of Contested Black Femininity,” in SBNation
Sandra Bartkey, “Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power”
Simone de Beauvoir, Le Deuxième Sexe
Rhea Bhatnagar & Olivia Little, “TikTok creators are promoting dangerous eating disorder tactics to young users -- and the company is letting them,” in Media Matters For America
Simon Critchley, Infinitely Demanding
John Duncan, “Making a Girlboss: Patriarchy, Social Reproduction and Neoliberal Subjectivity”
Eli, “When Thin Is A Trans Requirement,” in Autostraddle
Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish
Michel Foucault, Power/Knowledge (ed. Colin Gordon)
Jules Joanne Gleeson, “How Do Transitions Happen?”