Jehovah’s Witnesses have a lot of rules that can lead to disfellowshipping. And since the “judicial meetings“ and the “elders manual“ also are secret most beliving Jehovah Witness belive that you only get disfellowshipped for a “serious wrongdoing“.
If they would read the “shepherd the flock of god“ (aka secret elders book) they would know that serious wrongdoing can involve almost anything.
In this video, we explore the oportunity to be disfellowshipped by the rules of the governing body for having a free lunch at IKEA.
Jehovah’s Witnesses in Norway lost their government funding due to lack of respect for human rights. They used to cash in millions every year. I think Jesus would point out the hipocrasy that the leaders of Watchtower accept millions while the rank and file Jehovah Witness can not accept a free lunch or a free birthday cake.
I think Jesus would have been angry at the religious leaders had he not busy being unvisi