Nest is located in South Estonia, Võrumaa.
A military base is close, so it is not unusal to hear motor sounds from trucks and other vehicles, sometimes even shots.
A fish farm, as well as a river, is not far, so good hunting conditions for Ospreys.
Ospreys (Pandion haliaetus) reach body heights of 50-66 cm, and wingspans of 1,27 - 1,74 m. Females are bigger than males.
1 view
1 year ago 00:36:05 1
Estonian Osprey Nest (Marko & Miina) 2021
5 years ago 00:03:00 2
Kalakotkas~Juuli is hunting a goshawk~3:12 PM 2019/08/08
5 years ago 00:03:52 4
Snow on Osprey’s Nest
5 years ago 00:11:49 12
Ворон (Raven): Комендант эстонского леса в гнезде речной скопы покинутом на зиму Estonia
6 years ago 00:05:41 3
Kalakotkas2~Huge fish for Nele by Ivo~10:15 AM 2019/09/09