Monome Teletype | The most complex module in VCV Rack | Review and tutorial for beginners
Teletype is an “algorithmic ecosystem: a dynamic, musical event triggering platform. Scripts are assigned to each of the eight trigger inputs. Herein you can set CV values (four outputs) and trigger gates (four outputs) with extended functionality for pattern manipulation, slews, randomness, sequences, basic arithmetic, stacks, delays, and much more.“ --
You can download this module for free from here:
Basic keyboard shortcuts:
TAB - cycle between live, edit and tracker modes.
In LIVE mode:
Up/arrows - command history
Tilda key - toggle variable display
In EDIT mode:
“[“ and “]” - move between your scripts
Alt up/down - swap command order
Shift ENTER - insert command
In TRACKER mode:
Shift L - set length
Shift S - set start
Shift E - set end
Full documentation for the original Eurorack module:
And here is the convenient one-line driver script for tracker from the end of the video:
“L 1 4: CV I N - I 1“
0:00 - Intro
1:34 - Module demo and overview
5:45 - How to download and install
6:52 - Live Mode
14:00 - Edit Mode
34:46 - Tracker Mode
48:03 - Bonus: one-line command for simple tracker
Corrections: 19:40 - To move between the scripts use left/right brackets (“[“ or “]“)
…and btw, my new album ‘Heroides’, with the renowned opera singer Małgorzata Walewska, is now out:
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Monome Teletype | The most complex module in VCV Rack | Review and tutorial for beginners
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