Deep plantar wart verruca with callus | The Foot Scraper: DG Podiatrist
Deep plantar wart verruca with callus | The Foot Scraper: DG Podiatrist
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Thankfully we are still able to work through London’s second lock down, this wonderful client came in for her second appointment. She first came in thinking she had a corn on the side of her foot that was painful and had a history of trauma to her ankle which she was having a lot of trouble with as of late. On examination we discovered it was a verruca (plantar wart) that needed treatment. On her second visit the callus on the foot accumulated as expected over the verruca (plantar wart). In the treatment, I remove (debride) the callus first and then freeze (cryotherapy) the verruca and apply salicylic acid in the area and dress it up. It’s great to hear her ankle is feeling much better as a
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