Discover INSADONG in Insadong

Insadong is a neighborhood of the Jongno-gu district of Seoul .The main street is ’Insadong gil’ which is connected to a multitude of alleys that appear deeper into the district. Here we have explored three such alleys where we don’t see many tourists 1. Galleria Pub (First alley after you get off from exit 6- Ankuk Station) has one of the best chijae(Stew ) in Insadong (which has been fermented for over three years :) 2. Yoet cha chib - offers variety of teas and even offers EXTRA refills.. 3. Antique Street - we noticed that not many people walk that alley as it is towards the end of the main street. Take a look at these places and if you happen to visit Seoul someday, Insadong is a must visit place. Beyond the main road, the alleys have more to offer than what you would have expected. Discover Insadong in Insadong.
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