Silhouette, Estro, Nocturnes

Silhouette, Estro, Nocturnes Malandain Ballet Biarritz Choreographies by Thierry Malandain Silhouette Ballet for 1 dancer Choreography, sets and costumes, Thierry Malandain Music Ludwig van Beethoven Work: 3rd movement of sonata n°30, Lighting design, Jean-Claude Asquié Dancer, Frederik Deberdt Created in Biarritz, in the gardens of the Hôtel de Silhouette, residence of Etienne de Silhouette, comptroller general of finances under Louis XV, gave his name to the portraits cut out from the shadow of the face, probably because his reforms tended to leave to the taxpayers only the shadow of their fortune. This solo, set for the dancer Frederik Deberdt, is a miniature through which passes the shadow of Vaslav Nijinsky. Estro Ballet for 20 dancers Choreography, set and costumes Thierry Malandain Music Antonio Vivaldi Works: Stabat Mater and Estro Amonico op. 3 Light design, Jean-Claude Asquié Malandain ballet Biarritz
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