Concrete - 05. Dirty Jer-Z (Starland Ballroom, NJ )

Concrete “Dirty Jer-Z” Starland Balroom He is 100% correct though… you have to be in the pit in Dirty Jer-Z for this song to really be appreciated, because these were our anthems for so long back then. When you were in that crowd, you felt every bit of this song. This is that moment when you realize that jer-z will start a pit for any song if the crowd is right. This is how you fall in love with pits in the first place. And this song will always remind me of that feeling, because once it kicks in and you take that first body blow or crowd surfer to the face and you’re still alive… you start feeling like nothing can hurt you. I’m old now and I still needed to be in that moment again. I still felt it the next day. It might not be the hardest song, but it’s heavy as fuck. You’re going to feel it, one way or the other. And if it doesn’t feel amazing, you missed out.
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