Loch Modan - Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Classic
Loch Modan is a large area east of Dun Morogh, situated in eastern Khaz Modan. It is known for its temperate climate, abandoned archaeological dig site and the huge lake from which the region takes its name. The gray and rugged Khaz Modan mountains rise up on all sides around the loch, and the hills are lightly wooded with pine and birch. The loch was held in place by the Stonewrought Dam, an architectural wonder of no equal on Azeroth.
Loch Modan is heavily populated by hostile troggs, unearthed from caves below ground by the dwarven digs. They have since settled in the surrounding mountainous area and built crude camps and caves from which to strike at passing travelers. Other dangers include dangerous wildlife, aggressive kobolds, and the powerful ogres of the Mo’grosh Stronghold.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions / subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Elwynn Forest / Forest Normal music is composed by Jason Hayes
World of Warcraft Classic Loch Modan locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Valley of Kings
0:03:46 Stonesplinter Valley / Troggs
0:05:56 Thelsamar
0:10:53 Stoutlager Inn
0:14:49 Loch Modan Walk
0:20:50 Algaz Station
0:25:15 Kobolds
0:26:25 Silver Stream Mine
0:28:40 Fishing trainer
0:30:10 The Loch
0:32:10 Stonewrought Dam
0:35:22 The Loch
0:37:52 The Farstrider Lodge
0:40:52 Loch Modan
0:42:25 Mo’grosh Stronghold
0:46:35 Algaz Station
0:47:35 Valley of Kings
0:49:53 Thelsamar
0:56:43 Ironband’s Excavation Site
0:57:50 The Loch / Stonewrought Dam
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