一個網店店主斷舍離上瘾,247㎡的家只有9件家具 There’s Nothing in My House

Asan是一名網店店主,2年前搬進了247㎡的新家。她的日常就是扔扔扔,除了保留日常所需的物品,其他的全部送人或扔掉。前前後後陸續扔掉了500件東西,現在家裏只有9件家具,整個家的感覺就是空無一物。對Asan來說,不斷地做減法,才是最好的生活方式。 Asan is the owner of an online shop. 2 years ago, she moved into a new home of 247 m2 and started to practice the idea of “断捨離”. Since then she has thrown away 500 things. Except for the stuffs for daily use, she discarded or sent away all other things. Now there are only 9 pieces of furniture in her house. The space gives an feeling of emptiness. To Asan, subtracting is the best way
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