46th Royal Tank Regiment casualties at Anzio suffered at the end of January 1944

If you would like to support the channel consider visiting The 46th RTR was attached to 1st Division, which was the British contribution to the Anzio landings also known as Operation Shingle on January 4th 1944. After landing unopposed on January 22nd, the division advanced out of the beachhead up the Via Anziate towards Campoleone on January 30th, securing their objectives on the day. By the second day strong opposition stalled the advance and by the end of January 31st the 46th RTR had lost 11 tanks. German forces began a series of counter-attacks on February 3rd that continued until the 11th, that resulted in heavy casualties on both sides and ended with a stalemate that devolved into trench warfare after some sporadic fighting until early March. The Allied forces would not break out of the Anzio beachhead until May 23rd 1944. This footage was filmed in February 1944 in territory that was recaptured by the German counter-attacks. 0:00 Sherma
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