Cannibal CME Heading For Earth

NOAA models confirm that a Cannibal CME will strike our planet on Dec. 1st. A series of coronal mass ejections associated with solar flares and filament eruptions could start grazing Earth’s magnetic field during the early hours of Dec. 1st. “Cannibal CME“ Event Four CME’s are heading for Earth. The first CME will hit Earth late on Nov. 30th. The three CME’s will arrive together on Dec. 1st, according to the latest forecast from NOAA. This could be a “Cannibal CME“ event. In other words, the fourth CME might overtake and gobble up the third and second CME creating a mish-mash of the three. In this case, NOAA forecasters expect a G3 (Strong) geomagnetic storm. During such storms naked-eye auroras can descent into the USA as far south as Pennsylvania to Iowa to Oregon. Cameras with sensitive night-sky settings may record auroras even farther south than that. Thanks for watching! #CannibalCME #Solarstorm #spaceweather Images credit: NOAA/SWPC, SOHO/LASCO C2/C3, NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, nemesis maturity channel Music credit: YouTube Audio Library It’s Coming - Josh Kirsch, Media Right Productions
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