Dr. Roald Hoffmann - Climate Change, Nobel Prize Burden, Poetry & Theatre | Interview, p.2 | ChemU
This is the second part of the interview with our new special guest - Prof. Dr. Roald Hoffmann, a Polish-American chemist, writer, poet, philosopher, winner of 1981 Nobel Prize in chemistry, and professor at Cornell University New York since 1965.
Topics of the Interview:
00:07 - How Life Changes After Nobel Prize - Increased Expectations from Scientists & Artists
11:20 - Woodward-Hoffmann Rules Influence
22:52 - Personal & Collective Responsibilities in Science
28:47 - Lack of Financial Support of Art & Humanities; Increased Funding for STEM
34:04 - About “Should Have“ - a theatre play by Roald Hoffmann
41:12 - Balance between Work and Family Life
46:39 - About “Scientists dissect the Flying Hawk” - Perception of Science & Art
50:38 - Advices for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students
54:01 - Conclusion
First Part of the Interview:
Don’t forget that all our videos are useful not only for the undergraduate and postgraduate chemists, biochemists, pharmacists and medics, but also for the final years of school students, taking exams in chemistry on IB, SAT, A-level, NEET, and JEE.
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#interview #organic_chemistry #nobelprize
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