Elvis Wang 王晰 - Possession 着魔 - Character Song of Retourner Le Monde à Toi 电视剧《归还世界给你》人物曲

#王晰 #WangXi #ElvisWang “Possession” is the character song of the leading role Lu Zhun in the TV series “Returning the World to You“, which was released on August 5, 2019. This TV series tells the story of a pair of lovers encountering in business world after a long separation between life and death, having a love-hate relationship after a series of misunderstandings and conspiracy, and finally end up with happiness under the power of true love. In this Soundtrack-style song, Elvis Wang’s voice is mellow and narrative, with a slow rhythm that seems to sway languidly in the air, vividly interpreting a man who is confused with self-cognition, struggling in love and lies with Wang’s deep but powerful voice. 《着魔》是电视剧《归还世界给你》中男主角陆准的人物曲,发行于2019年8月5日。 该剧讲述了一对恋人在经历生死之后在商场相逢,一连串的误会与阴谋让他们相爱相杀,最终在真爱不灭的力量下收获幸福的故事。 在这首Soundtrack风格的音乐作品中,王晰的声音醇厚而有叙述感,有一种慵懒摇曳的律动感,用低沉却有力的歌声生动演绎了一个在自我认知中困惑、在爱与谎言中挣扎的
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