Weapons name in English - Learn names of weapons with pictures in English
Weapons name in English. With the video, you will learn some names of weapons in English with pictures.
Sure, there are many weapons left out of the video, for example, chemical weapons, most big ones, There are no tanks, troop carriers, jet fighters, experimental weapons like railguns, there is no aircraft carrier or submarine in the list. You can, however, learn weapons name in English that belong to the group of handguns, small firearms, like an assault rifle, a revolver, swords, you can learn mainly hand weapons.
The aim of the video is not to cover the topic in an exhaustive and comprehensive way, instead, give learners of English a basic set of vocabulary that might be useful when they want to talk about this topic.
If you think that some weapons name in English should be included in the list, then please add these words in the comments.
This is an ESL lesson on increasing vocabulary and help for students to learn weapons with pictures.