Notts County Football Ground, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire. World Featherweight Boxing contest.
Commencement of fight (1st 7ft. for super title). CU. Both boxers throwing lefts and rights, coloured Roy Ankarah avoids punishment by ducking. SV. Ankarah (Nicknamed - ’The Black Flash’) forces fight with 2 handed attack but Raymond Famechon swops blow for blow. SV. Ankarah gets in with blows to body and head. CU. Famechon by clever weaving and bobbing makes Ankarah miss and throws back head and rides a left upper cut. More clever weaving and bobbing by Famechon until he fights Ankarah away with a series of lefts. Ankarah winds up his right in menacing fashion, but throws a left to Famechon’s head instead. Famechon resumes bobbing and weaving. SV. Crowd. SCU. Famechon in corner. SV. Ankarah leaving corner. SV. Famechon doing good work about Ankarah’s body although Ankarah still throws punches. SV. Ankarah disengages rests against ropes holds head in air. CU. Prince A. B. Osula of Nigeria watching. SV. Famechon wel