IEVAN POLKKA – The whole song with Loituma’s Hanni!

The whole song! I hope you enjoy practising this with me. I thought you might like it like this, so I left a couple of bars between all the verses, so there’s time to breath for a while and prepare for the next verse. Thank you so much for joining with me on this journey of cutting the song into very small pieces and opening the meaning of the story along with the words and syllables. I’m so happy to think that there are so many people around the world singing this song and enjoying music and the special connection between other humans on this Earth through music. I’m also very proud of all of you who have the energy and time to try and learn this! I so much wish I could hear you singing, and see you dancing and smiling! =) Your feedback has been very important to me and always will. Love you all! Stay safe and stay tuned! I’m not going to stop here! =) IEVAN POLKKA – THE STORY The storyteller is a young lad, who has a crush on a girl named Ieva (a Savonian version of Eeva, the Finnish Eva). The couple
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