[SMM2] Difficult Kaizo Levels Compilation #2

Here is the long overdue sequel to my old Kaizo compilation video. These were levels I have compiled over the months using the Nintendo Switch’s built in capture feature. I ended up including quite a few levels in this video, making it my longest Mario Maker video to date. With this, I also added each level ID on screen instead of including them in the description. I am not sure if this is a preferred change or not, however I like having the ID on screen for each level so I will continue doing so for the time being. Lastly, it would be greatly appreciated if you would let me know if you prefer watching longer or shorter videos. I ask because most of the videos on my channel are rather short, so I am not sure how a longer video would be received. Kaizo Compilation #1: Besides YouTube, I like to post and create content on both my Twitch and Twitter accounts! On Twitch, I try to stream multiple times a month and at least once a week. While I do not have a set schedule yet, my strea
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