Consonant version | Sing Hangul l Korean Alphabet Song

Hangul consists of consonants and vowels. Let’s learn how to read and write 14 consonants by singing “Korean Alphabet Song“ Enjoy watching and singing ㄱ [g] Giyeok 기역 ㄴ [n] Nieun 니은 ㄷ [d] Digeut 디귿 ㄹ [r] Rieul 리을 ㅁ [m] Mieum 미음 ㅂ [b] Bieup 비읍 ㅅ [s] Siot 시옷 ㅇ [eu] Ieung 이응 ㅈ [j] Jieut 지읒 ㅊ [t] Chieut 치읓 ㅋ [k] Kieuk 키읔 ㅌ [t] Tieut 티읕 ㅍ [p] Pieup 피읖 ㅎ [h] Hieut 히읗
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