Disney Sidekicks being simps for their bosses for over 11 and a half minutes straight ✨️ 100TH VIDEO

WELCOME TO THE 100TH VIDEO! this channel has come a long way and we’ve finally reached this great milestone! If anyone says the characters featured in this video are not queer-coded, then y’all would have a gift for delusions 💀 I wish this video could have been a little bigger, more bold I guess? But I’ve gathered four duos and it turned out pretty good. It was meant to be longer, but I realised that some other duos would have served better if they had whole videos dedicated to them. Smee could’ve had a whole vid to himself but.... yeah... Now y’all can stop suggesting Lefou 💀 Anyway, I w...ill now leave some tags, have a great day ALSO some of u might have spotted my face-reveal teaser at the end of the vid, and also seen that TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! tags: Beauty And The Beast Peter Pan The Princess And The Frog Pocahontas Wiggins Smee Hook Dr Facilier Lawrence John Smith Chief Grandmother Willow Savages Mine Mine Song Singing Lyrics Gay Lefou Gaston Lumiere Cogsworth Belle Father The New World Simping LGBTQIA Queer Solo Boyfriends Ship / Shipping
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