Quick Achilles Tendon Tear Test #shorts

The Thompson’s test (calf squeeze test or the gastrocnemius-soleus test) is a technique used to help determine if an individual has a ruptured Achilles tendon. To perform the test, your doctor will have you lie face down on the exam table with legs hanging off the end. Your doctor will then squeeze the calf muscles, causing the foot to plantarflex (point downward). If the foot does not plantarflex, it is considered a positive test and can suggest an Achilles tendon injury. If the foot does plantarflex, it is a normal exam. The Thompson’s test is a useful tool for diagnosing Achilles tendon injuries, but it is not foolproof and should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tests, such as imaging studies, to confirm the diagnosis. #medicalexam #achillestendonrupture 📲 SUBSCRIBE NOW for new #surgery videos ▶️ About Dr. Cory Calendine, MD #orthopedicsurgeon #jointreplacement In the operating room, I get to perform more than 600 hip &
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