Cardinal Rouge Écoutez son chant magnifique (4K HDR) / Northern Cardinal Hear his magnificent song
Le Cardinal Rouge, Écoutez son chant magnifique, Il est époustouflant.
Quand il chante, imaginé qu’il dit le chiffre ‘8’
Ça marche !!!
Filmé en 4K UHD HDR.
De Plus en Plus 4K
Tout les films sont produits et réalisés par Serge Tonietto-Giguère
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The Northern Cardinal Hear his magnificent song. It is breathtaking.
When he sings, imagine he says the number ‘8’ in french
It works !!!
Filmed in 4K UHD HDR.
More and more 4K
All films are produced and directed by Serge Tonietto-Giguère
There will be new videos every week. If you like my videos Please subscribe to my Channel:
Do not forget to activate the small bell to be notified with each novelty.
Thank you also to press on I like and share on Facebook.
PLAYLIST Les Oiseaux du Costa Rica :
PLAYLIST: Les Canards Branchu au Nichoir
PLAYLIST: Les Oiseaux de Cuba
PLAYLIST: Chouette et Hibou
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