Satin Jackets & Nazzereene - Under My Skin (Official Lyrics Visualizer)

Releasedate: September 20th 2024 Video by: Building on her first collaboration with Satin Jackets, Nazzereene brings her distinctive voice and depth to “Under My Skin,” enhancing their partnership and adding a touch of shine to this elegant nu disco creation. Each element in “Under My Skin” is thoughtfully arranged, from the glistening piano chords to the pumping basslines, creating an allure that draws listeners into its groove. The song’s charm lies in its layers, each one contributing to its overall compelling effect. In keeping with their legacy of high-quality releases on Golden Hour Recordings, “Under My Skin” stands out as a worthy addition to their catalog. With its polished nu disco vibes and Nazzereene’s captivating vocals, this latest release underscores the label’s dedication to delivering top-tier electronic music.
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