1982-10-09 e2: taking out the baddha (Puja, Wellingborough, UK)

...[Varshakt?] is like this. That means you bring two fingers, bring it round and hit it hard, on the Sahastrara. That is taking out the baddha, you see from here, take it out and put it on the Sahastrara, hit it hard, and this is the Saumhara Shakti of Shri Krishna. Kavach. Kavach is bandhan. You see, eyes are cleansed; must have clean eyes. Again, with the clean eyes you again go back at the Agnya. At the back and hit it down. Astra. Astra is the, weapons that you have got – Astra [unclear]. Means all the baddhas should run away. Kavach – Kavach is the cover, Kavach is the cover. Shield, shield, Kavach. Kavach is shield, sorry Kavach is shield [unclear] And this is bandhan, sorry...
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