Lactate Threshold: vo2Max Tips from a Marathoner

#lactatethreshold #anaerobicthreshold Training at your lactate threshold will teach your body to clear lactic acid faster than it is building up when you are racing. Training at your vo2max will also dramatically increase your efficiency over any distance. vo2 max and lactate threshold are two specific energy systems of the body top runners focus on. You want to slow down less than your competition and training at your anaerobic threshold will help you do that. Running at faster speeds for longer periods of time will improve your lactate tolerance. Easy running will build endurance but not speed and stamina. These are my thoughts regarding lactate threshold training and how it helped me run for the half marathon and for the marathon. Below are some resources for you to assist you in your training and preparation. Have a training or racing question? Business inquiry? Contact me at nathan@ Herbalife Nutrition Nutrition Geeks Subscribe to the RunDre
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