(Gadgetzan) 2 New Legendaries LEAKED - Auctionmaster Beardo and Shakru, the Collector

2 New Legendaries and 1 New Common Minion from the New Expansion - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan. Card Details below! Auctioneer Beardo (Neutral) Legendary Minion 3 Mana, 3 Attack, 4 Health Whenever you cast a spell, refresh your Hero Power. Shakru, the Collector (Rogue) Legendary Minion 3 Mana, 2 Attack, 3 Health Stealth. Whenever this minion attacks, add a random card to your hand (from your opponent’s class). Grook Fu Master (Neutral) Common Minion 5 Mana, 3 Attack, 5 Health Windfury. View all relea
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