ARTEZA Expert Watercolor Paper | 100% Cotton VS Wood-pulp | Review and Painting

Hi Guys :) In today’s video I’m going to share my honest opinion about ARTEZA Expert paper 100% cotton and Expert dual sided paper (wood-pulp paper). Both are from the Expert line, but they are not the same :) I did my best to test them on most important parts when it comes to a watercolor paper but also when it comes to mix media artwork ;) I must admit that Arteza always surprises me with their products. If you are interested with any of those watercolor papers here are Links for you: ~ L I N K ~ ARTEZA EXPERT 100% Cotton Paper: 1. EUROPEAN SHOP: ~ L I N K ~ ARTEZA EXPERT Wood-pulp Paper: 1. EUROPEAN SHOP: But they have much more Art supplies than Watercolor Papers ;) 1. AMERICAN Shop: http://arte
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