فيلم الناصر صلاح الدين - Salah Eddin (Saladin) - English Subtitles
#Saladin #Crusades #Youssef Chahin
The highly acclaimed Egyptian movie about the historic figure Salah Eddin (angelized as Saladin) and the third crusade, released in 1963. The movie was produced by the world renowned Youssef Chahin, written by the famed novelist Naguib Mahfouz, and featured a large contingent of Egyptian A-list actors of the time.
A note to the viewers: this movie is a product of its time; meaning the events in the movie closely follow sentiments of time of Egyptian nationalism, Pan Arabism and anti-imperialism, rather than relying solely on historical facts. So I would take the events in the movie with a grain of salt.
Here I’ll plug a great historical podcast about the crusades by Sharyn Eastaugh. She does a great job at detailing the events in great detail. Her website is:
There is also a highly recommended book by Amin Maalouf - which I haven’t read, but heard great things about - called “Crusades through Arab Eyes“. It’s a good source for those interest
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فيلم الناصر صلاح الدين - Salah Eddin (Saladin) - English Subtitles