虎倒流骨法術 中伝型 括飛
Kappi 括飛 (Flying Enclosing)
The opponent approaches.
Strike into the opponent’s right amedo with a right shutō, strike into the left amedo with a left-handed shutō, leap backward, zanshin.
This skill is the same on the left side.
“Regardless of the Enemy’s attack or Defence, or at the time of attack or defence, leap back and throw shuriken or metsubushi. This training and method for creating that distance.
This Level is derived from Hichojutsu [technique of the leaping bird; ] a technique for disquising and concealing kicks while being able to negate the enemy’s techniques before they are able to perform them.
Perform this from any kamae, any attack, and also while approaching the enemy,
and the enemy approaching you.“
Demostration from Antonis Mitrou - Bujinkan Greece Dai Shihan
and Seno Hideo Sensei [Video from Quest DVD]
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10 months ago 00:13:55 1
YOROI KUMI UCHI * 鎧組打 [XVI Taikai Greece Summer 2012]