Interactive hologram installation Adidas Nite Jogger 2019

Dreamlaser came up with an interactive holographic installation concept for the Adidas Nite Jogger ad campaign. We were responsible for the design of the structure, the engineering, and the production cycle as a whole. To create the illusion of a floating Jogger, we used holographic film and several indoor Absen P2.5 PL LED screens. We even achieved a hologram effect in the dazzlingly bright daytime lighting of the atrium, without a complete blackout, which was in itself an innovation in the use of this technology. Conceptually, the visuals focused on differentiating the daytime and nighttime styles of the Nite Joggers, which combine trademark vintage elements with an avant-garde silhouette and light reflection technology. Website: Showreel: Для рекламной компании «Adidas Nite Jogger» dreamlaser разработал концепцию интерактивной голографической инсталляции. Мы взяли на себя проектировку конструктива, инженерию и полный цикл продакшна. Для создания иллю
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