CleanAge ArcheAge New Ability ’Dancer(환락)’ Skills
ArchAge 14th New Ability ’Dancer(환락)’ Skills
All English Skill Names are literal translation names.
00:00 ~ 00:10 1. Dancer’s Touch
00:11 ~ 00:17 2. Naima’s Grace
00:18 ~ 00:27 3. Advent
00:28 ~ 00:43 4. Communion
00:44 ~ 01:02 5. Mind Shock
01:03 ~ 01:13 6. Dance of Vision
01:14 ~ 01:30 7. Communion Teleport
01:31 ~ 01:42 8. Dance of Tranquil
01:43 ~ 01:53 9. Dance of Hope
01:54 ~ 02:04 10. Dance of Weaken
02:05 ~ 02:39 11. Communion Maximize
02:40 ~ 03:14 12. Dance of Sacrifice