Blender (4.1) Batch Exporter and Scene Management system using Pivot objects for Static Meshes
This script will save you many, many hours of tedious tasks.
The Blender FBX Batch Exporter Add-on simplifies the process of exporting multiple Hierarchies of objects to individual FBX files from one Blender File for applications like Unreal Engine, Unity, Etc.
With this add-on, you can also efficiently Create and manage pivot points, sanitize object names, and batch export selected or all suitable objects with ease. as well as Batch alignment of all or select objects, batch collections creation, and robust pivot realignment.
All functions are well maintained for errors and user feedback functionality.
FBX names use the same name as the Hierarchy Root “Empty“ aka pivot object.
This Addon contains 4 main functions
Blender Batch
1 month ago 00:02:18 1
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