Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has declared war on WhatsApp - he accused the messenger of collecting spy data in favor of t

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has declared war on WhatsApp - he accused the messenger of collecting spy data in favor of the opposition Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has accused WhatsApp of collecting spy data in favor of the opposition. According to him, the messenger was passing information about the country’s citizens to opposition leaders María Corina Machado and Edmundo González. The country’s leader said he intends to switch to Telegram and China’s WeChat. “WhatsApp has handed Venezuelan terrorists. Machado, fugitive war criminal Edmundo Gonzalez and his commanders the entire database of Venezuela: who you are, your family, your friends, what you talk about, what you don’t talk about, what videos you share, what your tastes are, and so on,” said Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Previously, Venezuela has already accused Western services of inciting hatred - TikTok and Instagram spread false information that led to large-scale rallies. It all started after Maduro... Source: Readovka World
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