Keiko Fujiie: Beber - for chamber orchestra (1994)

藤家渓子 (1963-) 《思いだす ひとびとのしぐさを ――室内オーケストラのための》(1994) オーケストラ・アンサンブル金沢 指揮:岩城宏之 Keiko Fujiie [1963-] Beber -- for chamber orchestra (1994) Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa Conductor: Hiroyuki Iwaki Keiko Fujiie’s works to now carry an image of transparent reverberation. The melody on which the reverberation is structured is both slender and clear cut with a certain transparency. One sees Fujiie’s rich imagination and strong composition skills in the various sound gestures that go to make up the clear-cut melody. For example, the Pas de deux for piano solo, while being just like the progression of the melody in a balletic work, is also light and jaunty. Perhaps the method of taking up fine trembles in the melody and not letting them go reflects the influence of guitar technique. Fujiie has composed various works for guitar, including a number of pieces for solo guitar commissioned by Kazuhito Yamashita, including The Bodrum Sea and To Far-Off Land (For Gabriela). These works are characterized by a range of notes, w
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