夏休み。ニンテンドー3DSでシーケンサー korg M01D / Let Composer! Sequencer for Nintendo 3DS.
本格的に音楽で遊べる When I was 21 years old, got a present from my wife. It pocket sequencer, YAMAHA QY10. Since then, I am a small favorite sequencer. Today, I downloaded the software to change the Nintendo 3DS to Sequencer. I can compose and play easily. I can be saved to the SD card as a MIDI file the music. I am looking forward to. Jelly coating donuts was like a kiss.
難破船とひまわりの月でいっぱいの夜 Teraminatoアレンジ 第二章は20年くらい前のQY10のファイル。
4 years ago 00:06:42 2
夏休み。ニンテンドー3DSでシーケンサー korg M01D / Let Composer! Sequencer for Nintendo 3DS.