Дореволюционная Россия на фотографиях
Завод Сормово
Фотографии Максим Дмитриев
Pre-revolutionary Russia in Photographs
The Sormovo Factory
Photographs by Maxim Dmitriev
The Sormovo Factory is located in the Sormorovsky City District of Nizhny Novgorod and is one of the oldest shipbuilding factories in Russia. The factory was established in 1849 and was originally called the Nizhny Novgorod Machine factory. In 1851, the factory began the construction of solid metal steamers. This was followed by steam dredgers and a two-decked steamship. Between 1849- 1918, the plant built 289 ships as well as steam engines, carriages, steam locomotives, tramcars ......
These photographs of the factory were taken by the great Russian photojournalist and member of the Russian Photographic Society. From 1890 Dmitriev opened a studio in Nizhny Novgorod and his main body of works from this period on, concentrate on the varied life of Nizhny Novgorod Province........
the factory not only constructed solid metal steamers, steam dredgers and bulk cargo ships,
1 view
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Танк Т-34 выложенный из фотографий погибших солдат
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Фотографии Сормовского района, Горький - 1960-е / Photographs of Sormovsky district, Gorky - 1960s
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Sormovo photographed by Maxim Dmitriev
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Со́рмово / Sormovo 1900s
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Дом отдыха “Красное Сормово“ (Зеленый город)
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Судостроительная верфь завода «Сормово»/ The “Sormovo“ factory Shipyard - 1910-1915
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The Sormovo Factory at the end of the 19th century Part 2.
6 years ago 00:03:40 10
The Sormovo Factory at the end of the 19th century Part 1.