HCSC 2015: Session 2 Recap

The tow rope has stopped turning, the diggers have closed the final features, and Session 2 at High Cascade Snowboard Camp has come to a close. Signature Session™ Pros Kelly Clark, Sage Kotsenburg, Kaitlyn Farrington, Blake Paul, Spencer Schubert, and Sam Taxwood were joined by our amazing staff members and the best campers on planet Earth to rip and slash slush in our Private Parks up on Mount Hood. Filmed by Eli Olson, Matt Roberge, RJ McNichols, Danny Kern, Devin Bernard, and Mia Lambson. Super 8 by Jon Stark Edited by Eli Olson For more information on High Cascade Snowboard Camp, reach out to us at our home in Government Camp, OR at , or visit our website at .
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