🇺🇸🎢 Американские горки #82 | Гари Табах и Мария Максакова
‼️Millions of Hunters Aren’t Registered to Vote‼️
1️⃣ Look up your nearest gun store/gun range
2️⃣ Print off your state’s voter registration forms (type into the Internet “[Pennsylvania] voter registration application”
3️⃣ Visit your local gun store & ask the owner if they will keep the forms out in the open for customers
4️⃣ If your local store is already doing this, visit the next nearest one
5️⃣ Especially in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin, also print an additional sign: “30% of Pennsylvania hunters are NOT registered to vote” or “40% of Wisconsin hunters are NOT registered to vote”
6️⃣ Take a photo of the incomplete forms & make a post about bringing them to your gun store to inspire others to take action
7️⃣ (Gun Show Trader . com) has every gun show for all 50 states through the rest of 2024
8️⃣ If a gun show will not provide you a table for voter registration, then do some gun show parking lot voter registration
9️⃣ Think about other places that would benefit from voter registration, like pawn shops, Cabela’s, & Bass Pro Shops
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Лучшие израильские методики, доказавшие свою эффективность с
первых дней полномасштабного вторжения в Украину.
🔶 Андрей ВДВ Киев
PayPal Email: zeltran76@
(*в основании платежа писать: Friend and Family)
Либо украинская карта приват Банк 💳
🔶 🏥 Ребята на передовой потеряли «глаза», это жизни бойцов. знаю что нам тяжело, но помочь им продержатся мы обязаны, Ленд Лиз им не дадут. Спасибо 🙏
На потреби групи «ЭКСПЕРТ»
PayPal Email: kharkovvip2014@
(*в основании платежа писать: Friend and Family)
🔗Посилання на банку
💳 Номер картки банки:
5375 4112 0450 9207
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Відділення БпАК ССО Схід
🎯 Ціль: 1 000 000 ₴
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💳Номер картки банки
5375 4112 0947 2823
Спасибо всем 🙏 Слава Украине! 🇺🇦
I reserve the right to publish all videos with my participation on any channel. It is agreed upon before my participation.
*All my statements are my own thoughts and personal views as a private citizen. I do not represent US government or any associated agencies or private Business
1 view
4 months ago 00:49:17 1
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