Judy Carroll Q A - Journey Back to Oneness, Meditation, Reiki, ET disclosure, Orbs and Inter-dimensional Beings Part 2 of 2

Part 2 of 2. The conversation revolved around extraterrestrial life, inter-dimensional beings, and mysterious phenomena. Judy and Lisa discussed their encounters with geometric shapes and beings. Judy also discussed the human ladder and reincarnation, emphasizing the importance of accepting these concepts to gain a deeper understanding of our true nature. The speakers explored the significance of reincarnation in understanding humanity’s journey back to oneness, and shared their personal experiences with meditation, Tai Chi, and Reiki. They also debated the interplay between ET disclosure, the Photon Belt, and indigenous cultures. This is the second in a series of videos that Judy Carroll is making, as a faculty member at our new University Galacticus (UG) venture. Her website is The Zeta Message YouTube channel at @TheZetaMessage Judy has experenced the Grey ETs for over 40 years and is the author of five books. All video playlists: or click on “Click here for Playlists“ and scroll down. Donate: Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe Volunteer your time. Be part of a forward moving group. MP3 audios and video at: My priorities: Flickr: @N07 My three books are available at Amazon. ruhe&crid=1ZU2U0DOIY0QG&sprefix=,aps,101&ref=nb_sb_ss_recent_1_0_recent Join our Meetup and be in our Zoom videos. Please phone into Brian Ruhe’s live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at
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